Maybe vegeterians are going to eat meat in the future ... without having to sacrifice a life of an animal...
It is scary in a way how technology, in this case nanotechnology, can change the way we percieve the world and chalenges our concentions. Can you imagine that meat can be grown in vitro from a small sample of animal tissue? And we can actually design how it is going to look!
Students of Royall College of art made a project called: Dressing the meat of tomorrow.
The mobile animal MRI [Magnetic Resonance Imaging] unit scours the countryside looking for the most beautiful examples of cows, pigs, chickens and other livestock. Once located, the creature is scanned from head to toe, creating accurate cross-sectional images of its inner organs.
The most interesting and aesthetically pleasing examples of anatomy are used as templates to create moulds for the in-vitro meat .
enjoy your meal :)
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click : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtMzbeMA58I

Carlo Ratti, an Italian architect and engineer, is the creator of   Digital Water Pavilion,
 which was chosen by Time magazine as one of the best invention in 2007 and presented at Expo zaragoza 2008. It is an interactive structure which features liquid curtains for WHICH can be programmed to display images or messages and also sense an approaching object and automatically part to let it through.

The "water walls" that make up the structure consist of a row of closely spaced solenoid valves along a pipe suspended in the air. The valves can be opened and closed, at high frequency, via computer control. This produces a curtain of falling water with gaps at specified locations - a pattern of pixels created from air and water instead of illuminated points on a screen. The entire surface becomes a one-bit-deep digital display that continuously scrolls downward.

The dream of digital architecture to create buildings that are responsive and reconfigurable and can dynamically adjust to people and conditions, came true.
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