I always had problems with introductions because I should tell something about myself but to be honest... I still don't really know who I am. I am always in the process of discovering the mystery. I could say I'm work in process :) So I guess is better that I skip this welcome part and hope you (and I) will get a picture of who I am by reading the blog.
Why am I writing it anyway? Is it an attempt to stand out of the crowd, to be seen and heard? Maybe... I always wanted to be famous so if the blog won't do I'll start to sing :)
Secondly: I heard that big brother is a very good looking guy, so I guess I have more chances to be spotted and get noticed by him if I start writing a blog... 
ok, seriously now... I am a person with numerous interests and passions... and everyday I get excited by some new discovery, person, music, idea... And by sharing it, it becomes more alive and saved from the devastating power of my scattered memory. As a designer I also feel a constant need to create... 
The topic of my next project is Surveillance. What a coincidence :) By exposing myself I won't be just the observer but I'll be also observed. Of course, not in a surreptitious manner because I'll decide what to show, but anyway... Let's start to play this game :)
I'll be watching (for) you...


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